The strength of the 1/10/100 method for UX Design in Software Development

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Jurgen Dingemans

In short:

  • The 1/10/100 methodology highlights the importance of investing in UX Design from the start of the development process, making it more expensive to correct errors the later they are discovered.
  • The article describes the costs and effort of correcting errors at different stages of the development process, with a focus on preventing errors by investing early in UX Design.
  • UX Design is considered an integral part of both the development phase and the further development of software, with a continuous focus on user feedback and iterations to improve the user experience.

The strength of the 1/10/100 method for UX Design in Software Development

In the world of complex software development, it is crucial to focus on the user experience (UX). An effective way to achieve this is by using the 1/10/100 methodology, an approach that has its origins in Lean Sigma.

1/10 /100 for UX Design

The 1/10/100 rule means that it is more expensive to correct an error at a later stage in the development process than at an earlier stage. In other words, it costs more to fix an issue after the product is launched than during the design phase, and even more when the issue has already been implemented and is in use by the end user.

This approach highlights the importance of investing in UX Design from the very beginning of the development process. By focusing on users' needs and expectations from the start, we can prevent costly errors and repairs later in the process.

  • 1: If an error is discovered during the design phase of software development, it is relatively easy and inexpensive to correct. It may require some code rewriting or modifying design elements, but it generally has minimal impact on the entire development process.
  • 10: When an error is discovered during the development or testing phase, the costs of correcting it increase significantly. It may be necessary to rewrite existing code, perform integration tests, and possibly adjust the schedule. This results in additional efforts and time needed to fix the error.
  • 100: If an error is only discovered after the software has been put into use by the customer, the costs of correcting it are significantly higher. Resolving the bug can now require not only major code changes, but also the implementation of hotfixes, possible service interruptions, and even reputational damage.

UX Design as an integral part of the software development process

However, the strength of the 1/10/100 method goes beyond just the initial development phase. It underlines the importance of continuous iteration and improvement of the user experience throughout the software lifecycle. This means that UX/design is not just a one-off component, but an integral part of both the development phase and the further development of the software.

For further development, it is essential to keep listening to user feedback, new trends and technological developments. Through agile methodologies, we can respond quickly to changes and make iterations to continuously improve the user experience. For further development, we therefore also use the standard rule that we correctly use 10% of the available time for UX/design. Through this integrated approach, we ensure that development output is many times more effective.

In short, the 1/10/100 method emphasizes the importance of UX Design as an ongoing process, from the concept phase to the further development of complex software solutions. By focusing on this, we can not only reduce costs, but above all achieve the greatest added value within the available time.

UX/design as an integral part of software development?

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