Figma for design centric software solutions

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Jurgen Dingemans

In short:

  • The article highlights Figma's role as an essential design tool in successfully creating user-centric software solutions, with an in-depth look at the design process at Thesio.
  • It describes how Figma acts as a basis in the design process, with the team of UX/design specialists collaboratively working on wireframes, prototypes and designs.
  • Using Figma, various aspects of the design process are covered, including wireframing, setting up an atomic design system, creating user-centric designs and facilitating direct conversion to code, resulting in efficient and high-quality software solutions.

Figma's Power in Creating User-Centric Software Solutions

A deep dive into the design process at Thesio

In the world of technical software development, a seamless and efficient design process is invaluable. At Thesio, we understand the crucial role of design in successfully implementing software solutions.

“We've found that using Figma as our primary design and design tool has revolutionized how we create wireframes, set up atomic design systems, and ultimately bring user-centric designs to life.”

Figma as a basis in the design process

Our team of UX/design specialists starts the software solution design process with Figma as a tool. Figma offers a collaborative environment where our team can simultaneously work on wireframes, prototypes, and designs. This allows us to quickly visualize ideas and keep the design process streamlined.

Wireframing: The first building blocks of success

When designing complex software solutions, thorough wireframing is essential. With Figma, we can create intuitive wireframes that lay the foundation for thoughtful design. Figma's rich out-of-the-box functionality allows us to quickly and efficiently outline the structure of the interface, taking into account functional requirements and user flows.

Atomic Design System: The Building Blocks of Consistency

One of the most powerful aspects of Figma is the ability to create an atomic design system. This system consists of reusable components at various levels, from atoms (individual UI elements) to molecules (combinations of elements) and organisms (complete sections or modules). This not only provides consistency in the design, but also significantly speeds up the development process.

User-Centric Design: The Key to Successful Software Solutions

Figma not only facilitates the technical aspect of the design process, but also enables our team to create a strong user-centric design. Through iterative prototyping and user testing, we can refine and optimize the user experience, resulting in a software solution that seamlessly meets the needs and expectations of the end user.

Development Ready as a starting point

At Thesio, we strongly believe in delivering designs that are not only visually impressive, but also immediately ready for development. With Figma, we can make designs for implementation, taking into account the technical feasibility and efficiency of the development process. This significantly reduces the lead time between design and implementation.

Smart integrations and direct conversion to code

Figma offers advanced integration options, allowing our team to seamlessly collaborate with developers. We make smart use of links with development tools, so that design changes can be implemented directly into the codebase. In addition, we use Figma as a bridge to development platforms such as Webflow, so that the design process seamlessly transitions into the development phase.

Conclusion: The Figma effect in software development

In the world of technical software development, Figma has proven to be an indispensable tool at Thesio. From wireframing to setting up an atomic design system and creating user-centric designs, Figma acts as the engine of our design process. By enabling direct conversion to code and using smart links with development tools, we ensure that our designs are not only visually impressive, but are also immediately ready for realization.

“It's clear that Figma is not just a 'design tool', but rather a powerful tool in striving for technical perfection in software development.”

Using Figma as a central design tool has not only increased our efficiency, but has also contributed to providing high-quality, user-friendly software solutions.

Looking for Figma specialists?

We have concrete experience in developing 'development ready' Figma designs.