
Agile Software Development

Accelerate your results with Agile Software Development. Discover our expertise and flexibility to create your desired software together. Ready for the next step?

Agile development process


Capitalizing on opportunities

Maximum value

Development costs

High ROI

Achieve faster results with Agile Software Development

At Thesio, every day, it's about developing software for dozens of clients. We therefore control this better than anyone and are still learning how to do it every day, because no situation is the same. If your organization develops software itself or if you want to have an application developed, we are of immediate added value. We quickly understand every business and understand where the added value should lie in software. Fast, iterative and therefore always adapting to new situations, we develop the desired software together with you.

No situation is the same, that's why we are agile

The agile development process is of course characterized by the fact that cross-functional teams work with short development cycles, also known as “sprints”, where the product is built in small incremental steps. This makes it possible to make quick adjustments and process feedback. What the division of roles looks like with our clients always varies. In some cases, we do this completely independently; in other cases, we work fully with the client's own developers and literally form one team.

"Samen met opdrachtgevers zorgen wij voor het ideale 'agile' ontwikkelproces. Wij stemmen de rollen goed op elkaar af en volgen een strak ontwikkelritme."

Brian Diephuis
Head of Engineering

Continued commitment or a springboard for your own organization

Especially when your organization also has its own developers, we understand better than anyone that you ultimately want to do it yourself. We understand this and therefore do not mind if this is a goal in advance within the collaboration. In fact, we help you create such a development organization.

Fortunately, many organizations also believe that it is strategically important not to do this themselves, or the reality is that such a development organization was not built within a year. We therefore believe that we serve these organizations. Continuous Development principle. A form of long-term mutual commitment that immediately ensures that your digital ambitions are truly realized.

Starting or accelerating software development?

Work with us in the form of co-development and immediately improve your processes and bring the right knowledge on board to create the desired acceleration.

Unique 'Agile' software solutions

We are constantly building a variety of software solutions for clients.