
Infrastructure as Code

Learn how we use infrastructure as code for efficiency and flexibility. Learn why this approach is essential for repeatability and control over development environments.

Automation and Efficiency


Flexible Infrastructure

Version control

DevOps experts

Continuous Development

Managing infrastructure as code

We manage our environments on public clouds from code, or infrastructure as code (IaC). By using, among other things, open source modules such as Terraform, we can organize this efficiently and, above all, intelligently. If modules are not available for the specific needs, we build them ourselves and can be provided to the (open source) communities for this purpose. In doing so, we create a fully automated basis that allows development teams to work independently.

"IaC zorgt ervoor dat de ontwikkeling efficient, consistent en foutloos verloopt qua infrastructuur."

Brian Diephuis
Head of Engineering

Benefits of IaC

The major advantages of managing the infrastructure from code are mainly repeatability and efficiency. For us as an agency, this is of great added value as we work with various environments at various clients. For clients themselves, the advantages are mainly the flexibility with which infrastructure can be adapted quickly. In addition, there is clearer control over version control, as is also common in software development. This makes it easier to track, test, and implement changes.

IaC for your development process

Within collaborations in the field of Continuous Development, we ensure that the infrastructure is well set up and can be managed efficiently. This is therefore often the time when we bring in our expertise in the field of IaC. Clients who don't so much need help with development, but purely with our DevOps expertise, can also come to us. In this way, your own development teams can be deployed effectively and unburdened with regard to the correct organization of the required cloud infrastructure.