
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform used to automate the deployment, scalability, and management of container applications. It allows developers to cluster containers into groups, manage resources, apply automatic load balancing, and provide bug recovery. Kubernetes offers a powerful and flexible solution for managing containerized applications at scale in various environments, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments.

Benefits of


  • Scalability: Kubernetes provides automatic scalability of container applications, allowing developers to easily scale up and downscale based on resource demand, improving application reliability and performance.
  • Flexibility and portability: Kubernetes makes it easy to move container applications between different environments, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments, allowing developers to have an integrated development experience and run their applications wherever they want.
  • Reliability and Resilience: Kubernetes provides built-in mechanisms for load balancing, self-healing, and automatic failover, improving the reliability and resilience of container applications, even in the event of hardware failures or other failures.

Disadvantages of


  • Steep learning curve: Learning how to use Kubernetes and understanding the various concepts and components can be challenging for new users and teams unfamiliar with container orchestration and cloud-native application development.
  • Management Complexity: Managing a Kubernetes cluster and configuring the appropriate settings and resources can be complex, especially for larger and more complex application environments, requiring more expertise and effort from the technical team responsible for managing the cluster.



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Mate van acceptatie en gebruik van de technologie; 0 tot 100 geeft snelheid en gebruik aan.
Graad van stabiliteit en ontwikkeling van een product; 0 tot 100 geeft volwassenheidsniveau aan.
Learning curve
Snelheid waarmee men kennis van technologie krijgt; 0 tot 100 geeft efficiƫntie van het leerproces aan.

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