
Pulumi is an open-source infrastructure-as-code (IaC) platform that enables developers and DevOps teams to build, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure using programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, C#, and more. Instead of using a specific configuration language, Pulumi allows users to define and manage infrastructural resources using the programming language of their choice, benefiting from the power, flexibility, and reusability of traditional programming languages in the IAC process.

Benefits of


  • Using popular programming languages: Pulumi uses popular programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, and TypeScript to define infrastructure, allowing developers to take advantage of existing programming knowledge and skills.
  • Flexibility and reusability: With Pulumi, developers can use the power and flexibility of programming languages to define infrastructure, allowing them to reuse code, build modular components, and implement complex infrastructural patterns.
  • Integration with cloud providers: Pulumi supports various cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more, allowing developers to build and manage cloud infrastructure across cloud environments using the same toolset and programming language.

Disadvantages of


  • Learning curve: Learning how to use Pulumi and understanding the best practices for defining infrastructure with programming languages can be challenging for new users and teams who are unfamiliar with infrastructure-as-code and programming languages.
  • Abstracting cloud services: Pulumi abstracts cloud services and resources using programming languages, which can result in higher levels of complexity and overhead in understanding and maintaining infrastructure code.



Get a quick picture of adoption, maturity and learning curve via the Scorecard. This way you can easily qualify the applicability if you want to get started with it.

Mate van acceptatie en gebruik van de technologie; 0 tot 100 geeft snelheid en gebruik aan.
Graad van stabiliteit en ontwikkeling van een product; 0 tot 100 geeft volwassenheidsniveau aan.
Learning curve
Snelheid waarmee men kennis van technologie krijgt; 0 tot 100 geeft efficiëntie van het leerproces aan.

Bekijk onze tech stack in de tech radar

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