
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework designed to build modern, responsive web interfaces quickly and easily. The framework follows a utility-first approach, where an extensive range of atomic CSS classes represent specific style properties, such as margins, padding, text styles, and colors. These classes are applied directly in the HTML markup, reducing the need for extensive handwritten CSS code. Tailwind offers developers flexibility and customizability, allowing them to add their own utility classes or modify existing ones. The framework is suitable for projects of various sizes and promotes a streamlined development workflow, which facilitates collaboration between designers and developers. Thanks to its simplicity and broad acceptance in the developer community, Tailwind is a popular choice for rapidly implementing consistent and responsive designs in a variety of web development projects.

Benefits of


  • Agnostic: Tailwind is framework agnostic, whether we're working in Blazor, React, Angular, Qwik, or Vue; we can apply styling the same way everywhere.
  • Ecosystem: Due to standardization and enormous popularity, there is a lot of tooling around tailwind; which makes for a nice DX (developer experience)

Disadvantages of


  • Learning curve: Tailwind CSS can have a learning curve for developers who are used to traditional CSS frameworks. It requires familiarity with the specific utility-first approach and atomic classes, which may initially require some adjustment.
  • File size: Using Tailwind CSS can result in larger file sizes compared to handwritten, custom CSS. This can affect the loading time of the webpage, especially if not all styles in the framework are used. It's important to optimize unused styles when implementing Tailwind.



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Mate van acceptatie en gebruik van de technologie; 0 tot 100 geeft snelheid en gebruik aan.
Graad van stabiliteit en ontwikkeling van een product; 0 tot 100 geeft volwassenheidsniveau aan.
Learning curve
Snelheid waarmee men kennis van technologie krijgt; 0 tot 100 geeft efficiƫntie van het leerproces aan.

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