
Vivenu is a comprehensive platform that helps event organizers plan and execute events successfully. With features such as ticketing, registration, and advanced event management, Vivenu offers an all-in-one solution. The platform makes it easy to create custom ticket types, apply discounts, and manage participant information. In addition, it offers detailed reporting functionalities to analyse the performance of events. Vivenu strives to provide a user-friendly experience for both organizers and attendees, with a focus on flexibility and adaptability for different event needs.

Benefits of


  • Versatility: Offers various functions for ticket sales, registration and event management.
  • Customizability: Ability to create custom ticket types and discounts.
  • Advanced Reporting: Detailed analysis options for event performance.

Disadvantages of


  • Possible Learning Process: For new users, it may take a while to become fully familiar with all features.
  • Costs: Costs may incur depending on the use and scale of events.



Get a quick picture of adoption, maturity and learning curve via the Scorecard. This way you can easily qualify the applicability if you want to get started with it.

Mate van acceptatie en gebruik van de technologie; 0 tot 100 geeft snelheid en gebruik aan.
Graad van stabiliteit en ontwikkeling van een product; 0 tot 100 geeft volwassenheidsniveau aan.
Learning curve
Snelheid waarmee men kennis van technologie krijgt; 0 tot 100 geeft efficiƫntie van het leerproces aan.

Bekijk onze tech stack in de tech radar

Wij ontwikkelen dagelijks samen met onze opdrachtgevers aan de meest uiteenlopende oplossingen. Hierdoor hebben wij veel technologie tools gebruikt en weten dus ook als geen ander wat ons bevalt en welke keuzes wij met de kennis van nu nooit meer zouden maken.